无浪费送粉系统 Slingshot具有密封的送粉器(文老师slingshot磨豆机)

无浪费送粉系统 Slingshot具有密封的送粉器(文老师slingshot磨豆机)


无浪费送粉系统 Slingshot具有密封的送粉器,可以将 咖啡粉 准确地送到把手中而不会溢出咖啡粉。知道更多…

On average, coffee waste can account for up to 16% of total coffee consumption resulting in a loss of income . In a world of social conscience, sustainable coffee is unsustainable if a large quantity of coffee ground gets wasted on the cafe’s floor.



无浪费送粉系统 Slingshot具有密封的送粉器(文老师slingshot磨豆机)



无浪费,送粉,系统 ,Slingshot,具有,密封,送粉器,文老师,slingshot,磨豆机,slingshot磨豆机


The Grinder Reinvented.What’s The Big Deal?(文老师slingshot磨豆机)

The Grinder Reinvented.What’s The Big Deal?(文老师slingshot磨豆机)


自动计量磨豆机 份量 自动计量装置 ,随时为专业咖啡师预备下一份浓缩咖啡, 无论单份或双份都精准到无浪费

The Slingshot’s unique dosing system works on the volume of coffee delivered in the portafilter; daily adjustment of the grinder settings won’t influence the dose provided. Our volumetric approach eliminates the need for constant time setting required on the fresh on-demand type grinders.

The Grinder Reinvented.What’s The Big Deal?(文老师slingshot磨豆机)


The ,Grinder ,Reinvented,What’s ,The, Big ,Deal,文老师,slingshot,磨豆机