将咖啡粉 准确地送到把手中而不会溢出咖啡粉(文老师slingshot磨豆机)

将咖啡粉 准确地送到把手中而不会溢出咖啡粉(文老师slingshot磨豆机)


将咖啡粉填入把手时造成的浪费 当使用研磨机将咖啡粉填入把手时,通常都会令咖啡粉溢出。按需研磨(fresh on demand)更加突出了问题,特别是需要多份量的时候。  Slingshot具有密封的送粉器,可以将咖啡粉 准确地送到把手中而不会溢出咖啡粉。

咖啡的浪费问题 摘要 In our view, coffee waste is all the coffee ground that did not pour the perfect coffee shot. On average, coffee waste can account for up to 16% of total coffee consumption resulting in a loss of income .

将咖啡粉填入把手时造成的浪费 当使用研磨机将咖啡粉填入把手时,通常都会令咖啡粉溢出。按需研磨(fresh on demand)更加突出了问题,特别是需要多份量的时候。  Slingshot具有密封的送粉器,可以将咖啡粉 准确地送到把手中而不会溢出咖啡粉。


咖啡的浪费问题 摘要 In our view, coffee waste is all the coffee ground that did not pour the perfect coffee shot. On average, coffee waste can account for up to 16% of total coffee consumption resulting in a loss of income .

Slingshot咖啡磨豆机 自动研磨机 意式平刀锥刀磨豆机slingshot 惠家slingshot商用磨豆机秒出咖啡豆研磨电控64MM平刀锥刀《WPM惠家slingshot》



将,咖啡粉,填入,把手,时,造成,浪费, 当,使用,研磨机,将咖啡,粉,填入,把手时,通常,都会,令,咖啡粉溢出




我们开始设计过程的先决条件建立一个精确的商业咖啡研磨机。使用方便,高效,可靠,最重要的是咖啡咖啡研磨机,消除不必要的浪费。一旦敲定设计我们寻找最好的制造商和零部件供应商。我们决定合作伙伴只与公司分享我们的愿景:   设计环境可持续的质量的产品。


Slingshot咖啡磨豆机 自动研磨机 意式平刀锥刀磨豆机slingshot 惠家slingshot商用磨豆机秒出咖啡豆研磨电控64MM平刀锥刀《WPM惠家slingshot》

We started the design process with the prerequisite to build a precise commercial Coffee Grinder.  Easy to use, efficient, reliable and most of all a Coffee Grinder that eliminates unnecessary coffee wastage. Once finalised the design we searched for the best manufacturer and components suppliers. We decided to partner only with companies that share our vision: Design Environmentally Sustainable Quality Products.



我们开始设计过程的先决条件建立一个精确的商业咖啡研磨机。使用方便,高效,可靠,最重要的是咖啡咖啡研磨机,消除不必要的浪费。一旦敲定设计我们寻找最好的制造商和零部件供应商。我们决定合作伙伴只与公司分享我们的愿景:   设计环境可持续的质量的产品。

We started the design process with the prerequisite to build a precise commercial Coffee Grinder.  Easy to use, efficient, reliable and most of all a Coffee Grinder that eliminates unnecessary coffee wastage. Once finalised the design we searched for the best manufacturer and components suppliers. We decided to partner only with companies that share our vision: Design Environmentally Sustainable Quality Products.





slingshot咖啡豆研磨机器,一秒出粉节省成本sling-shot商用专业大型磨豆机 铸铁

shot, sling, sling-shot, slingshot, slingshot咖啡豆, slingshot磨豆机, Welhome, 一秒, 专业, 出粉, 商用, 商用专业, 大型磨豆机, 惠家, 意式, 成本, 文老师, 电动, 研磨机器, 节省, 超速